Another month, disappears into oblivion and August will be upon, with the blink of an eye. I still find it difficult to come to terms with the fact that, a year ago, only the first month of my industrial placement had just flown me by. Unaware, was I then, what events would unfold, within the […]
Wednesday 23rd July 2003
I have been busy, this week, downloading more Mp3 albums from eMule. You’ve waited a long time for it. The Audio page hasn’t been updated since 8th June. Some of the individual mp3 listings haven’t been updated since 15th May. I have been very bad with regards to updating these. I’ve finally got around to […]
Sunday 20th July 2003
Sorry in the delay in updating my website. I am still considering on the revamp of the website, to co-inside with the 3rd birthday of my website. This may also involve a move of ISP. MadAsAFish have noticed that I have been accessing and retrieving by the fantastic service, Mail2Web. This web based service, lets […]
Tuesday 15th July 2003
Again I apologise for the long delay in updating my website. I have to confess that I have been making the most of the hot weather, now that my Placement has finished. I still have loads of things to do, and loads of bits and pieces to check up on. I want to get this […]
Friday 4th July 2003
This is the first major update to my site for at least a month. I’ve been extremely busy with work recently. As my placement draws to an end I have been under the pressure to tie things up and pass the ‘reins’ onto a worthy successor. I look back, some 12 months and still fail […]