Saturday 13th December 2003

As I lay on my bed, and think of the year flown by and the promise of the year ahead, I shed a tear. I shed a tear for you. For what could have been, for what might have become. If only, like me, you had been the one to truly believe. But this was […]

Thursday 11th December 2003

Arsenal did the business, not just for their fans but for the country too! Getting through to the Second Phase of the Champions League, but also as group winners and therefore will not meet Chelsea or Manchester United in the second phase. That was the most important aspect. When everyone thought the team were down […]

Tuesday 9th December 2003

I was hoping to update my blog, last night, however coursework and other commitments got on top of me and I had to focus on them. I can now say with some relief, that my last piece of coursework (for this semester at least!) was handed in this morning. I now can take a break […]

Friday 28th November 2003

The problem with your birthday falling on a Sunday is that there is little to do. As much Sunday has moved from being a religious day to more of a day to do the shopping, it still isn’t the best day for your birthday. They day was spent with my family. So, after my drive […]

Thursday 20th November 2003

You would think that I had come accustomed to getting up early, after my sandwich placement. However, having got back into ‘student mode’ I have become my lazy self again. Before going to sleep, I would set my alarm for 6.30am. This is purely an excercise in wishful thinking. I feel slightly better, thinking I […]