I would like to mention someone who has created a fantastic site, for one of their personal idols. She has proved what can be achieved, if you show great devotion, for the one, who has touched your heart. Kristy (yes, that is Kristy, no Kirsty!) from the Netherlands, has created a homage to her idol, […]
Wednesday 12th November 2003
Middle of the week already, week 7 at University. The time is flying by and I am over half way through the first semester already. Where is the time going? There was a Graduate Fair at the Walkers Stadium today. In conjunction with both University Of Leicester and De Montfort University, around 20 employees were […]
Sunday 9th November 2003
Just a quick update, it’s nearly 11pm and I’m badly in need of some rest. I was at the Classic Car Show in Birmingham today. I have uploaded some photographs to the Photos page for you to enjoy. I hope to write up a more in depth web blog in the next few days.
Friday 7th November 2003
Now you think that even terrestrial broadcasters would have a vast library of programmes and films to show. I was extremely surprised to discover that last night, five had no other content in the archives apart from to show the 1980 movie, “Escape to Victory”. Although a classic in it’s own right, the film is […]
Tuesday 4th November 2003
I was discussing the DMU television commercial with my housemates, and was informed that the University of Warwick has a very similar advert. However, a quick crawl around the web via Google has not provided me with any answers. However, I was able to find a great site which catalogues television commercials from Europe and […]
Monday 3rd November 2003
Weekend flies by and the busy week is upon us, with a blink of eye. Just thought I would make up for yesterday’s poor web blog update and add some more thoughts. I wanted to bring to your attention a link to one of the ‘thinkers’ at my University. I would say, one of the […]
Sunday 2nd November 2003
I’ve been promising all visitors to my site, a revamp for months. I know it has taken me some time to forefill my promise, but I feel I’ve done myself justice. Although the site is not 100% complete, it is “work in progress” and I’ll continue to work on pages and upload new content, as […]
Thursday 23rd October 2003
It is rather a shame that I do not update my website more often. I have put myself in the position now, where I have very few excuses. Broadband connection at home, a home network, comprising of three computers. Oh yeah, there is the small question of my University degree. It would be good if […]
Monday 13th October 2003
The broadband connection finally went live at Sheffield Street, at around 5pm on Wednesday 8th October. Two souls had been waiting patiently, for the big, “switch on”. For one, it would just be a case of normal service resumed, for the other, it would be an brand new experience, unlike no other. Once the configuration […]
Tuesday 2nd October 2003
So an new month dawns, and September disappears into the abyss. However, with anything records remain of the past and they come back at times to haunt you, at times to bring joy to your heart. A incident when I logged back into my University account was to check the contents of my network drive […]