I have been busy, this week, downloading more Mp3 albums from eMule. You’ve waited a long time for it. The Audio page hasn’t been updated since 8th June. Some of the individual mp3 listings haven’t been updated since 15th May. I have been very bad with regards to updating these. I’ve finally got around to […]
Sunday 20th July 2003
Sorry in the delay in updating my website. I am still considering on the revamp of the website, to co-inside with the 3rd birthday of my website. This may also involve a move of ISP. MadAsAFish have noticed that I have been accessing and retrieving by the fantastic service, Mail2Web. This web based service, lets […]
Tuesday 15th July 2003
Again I apologise for the long delay in updating my website. I have to confess that I have been making the most of the hot weather, now that my Placement has finished. I still have loads of things to do, and loads of bits and pieces to check up on. I want to get this […]
Friday 4th July 2003
This is the first major update to my site for at least a month. I’ve been extremely busy with work recently. As my placement draws to an end I have been under the pressure to tie things up and pass the ‘reins’ onto a worthy successor. I look back, some 12 months and still fail […]
Sunday 29th June 2003
My sincere apologises, yet again, but I’m afraid there is not going to be a big update to the website this week. I’ve been tied up with various activities over the weekend and due to problems with my PC, I’ve been unable to dedicate as much time as I would have liked to my website. […]
Sunday 22nd June 2003
I am sorry, it seems like an age ago that I actually updated my homepage. I’ve been extremely busy dealing with some of the technicalities of having a home computer, which you rely upon more than life itself. I took the plunge on Friday 19th June, and formatted my hard drive and installed Windows XP. […]
Friday 13th June 2003
Supposedly an ‘unlucky’ day for some, but I must say that Lady Luck has been shining on me for the past week or so. I knew, that the week that lay ahead, was going to be hectic and challenging. Having to rganise an event for work, later in the week, was going to take up […]
Sunday 8th June 2003
The menu has been reformatted, from being applet based to being a rollover scripted. This is to make the menu load up quicker and also make sure that those grey boxes so closely associated with JavaScript applets do not appear. I think the rollover images are much more easier to work with. Not much updated, […]
Saturday 7th June 2003
Some of the music I have have been listening to the last week or so has been mostly dance / trance music. Although, I haven’t been listening to BBC Radio One at all since, January, I have tuned in a few mornings and particularly in the afternoons. On Friday 29th May lunchtime, I was listening […]
Friday 6th June 2003
Normal service resumed, well to some extent at least. The last couple of weeks have been extremely hectic, and I have not been able to dedicate the time my website deserves. So I am making up for it now, with a major update, on various levels and regarded a wide range of content of the […]