Sunday 19th March 2006

My Sunday turned out to be far more busier than my Saturday, when in most cases it is usually the other way around. Around 7.30am, I heard my Mum in the kitchen, it was time to get up. Yet I had a thumping headache and the beginnings of a cold. I was not in the […]

Friday 10th March 2006

Wednesday afternoon I was out of the office, at training event supporting the release of a new mobile solution of our bespoke system. In fact, I was not a million miles away from Swallowfield, where I had had my amp installed last Friday. Originally the schedule dictated that we aimed to finish around 4.30pm, perhaps […]

Wednesday 1st March 2006

I was on the phone to a client at the time, when I over heard someone say, “Let’s just moves the desks around NOW!”. Before I knew what was happening, my Manager had agreed and the dismantling of our work area began. As much as I wanted to object, I was unable to do so, […]