Sunday 20th September 2009

The US TV season is back in full swing and I now have a long list of television shows to watch, which take up most of the evenings in the week. GREEK obviously started first at the end of August but that has been joined by Heroes and The Big Bang Theory. We also have […]

Wednesday 16th September 2009

I am still alive! I just have a the biggest backlog of all time to get through and just have not found the time to get around to blogging. There is so much to mention and so little time. I thought it best to flip the month over and continue to update the blog from […]

Monday 7th September 2009

Around ten past eight, this morning, I was hitting the Robin Hood Roundabout, heading to Norwich. I did not bring any of my CDs into the hire car (something else to forget at the end of the day). I listened to Radio One and would do for most of the day. A new song came […]