It is always reassuring to know that my dearest colleague has a much better work ethic than I do!
A Warning Sign
What more motivation does a man need, other than to read the measurement profile from your wedding suit tailor?
Read All About It
I returned to the office this morning after a few days off (two and a half days to be exact). With so much to catch up on, I thought little that my learned colleague would bother with a prank (although his previous track record would indicate the exact opposite) As I turned into my cubicle, […]
Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy
This is probably news to most readers of my blog, I had told a few close friends but not made any formal announcements via Facebook, Twitter or even my online diary. I have moved to Slough. While I wait for you recover from this breaking news, let me go through my thinking process. (Or rather […]
Much Ado About Nothing
I heard about the story just over a year ago, as it was debated on BBC Radio Five Live at length, one evening over a weekend. I am sure it would have featured in numerous phone in shows and television discussions (The Wright Stuff anyone?) which I did not catch. In February, Michelle sent me […]
Unread Books
Several years ago, I decided I needed to read more (actually more is the wrong word to use here, I actually needed to start reading full stop) and made a conscious decision to join the library and start borrowing (and reading!) books again. I even asked a cultured older friend to give me a list […]