While I expect nothing less from my peers, I do expect a Vice President to conduct themselves more becoming of their seniority within the organisation. To view all the other office pranks I have been subjected to in my relative short career, they are all tagged with office prank. The dossier for HR grows larger with […]
A Positive Influence
In my humble opinion, everybody should have a blog! I suppose you could consider this the contemporary equivalent that everybody should write a novel. While the barriers to getting a book written and published have reduced in recent times, it is still far easier to setup a free blog and be up and running within […]
Start Spreading The News
“Long overdue”, the words of my boss’s boss on feedback from my trip to the East Coast this week. Further confirmation (if it was ever needed) that meeting my colleagues at our corporate ‘mothership’ in Islandia, Long Island, should have happened a while ago. Travelling on business may sound glamorous but as I have to […]
Be Yourself No Matter What They Say
In 1995 I was intrigued by the launch advert for the new Rover 200. You may remember the advert as it transplanted this quintessential English British car (built just outside Birmingham) to New York. I love the idea of the advert but even more so the soundtrack. Sting’s – Englishman In New York. In reality, […]
Destination Unknown
Between having two beautiful children, a full time job and running a detailing business at the weekend – I am surprised that my friend Pav has been able to start his own international airline. A regular flight from Heathrow Terminal 1 to Jacksonville International Florida.