Sunday 29th April 2007
All in all, a great weekend. Nothing spectacular but good fun! I left home to head up to Leicester around 2.30pm and got to the hotel a little after 4pm. I was not in a rush on the drive up, so took my time, enjoying the music and dipping in and out of the commentary from the lunchtime kick offs as they came to their conclusion on Five Live. The weather was lovely, pure sunshine all the way and the roads were relatively clear. Once I parked my car, I met up with Sachin and Shush in reception and explained why Darren was not with me. After checking in, we chilled for a bit and I got the low down on what had happened at the ceremony earlier. We then rushed over to ASDA in Oadby to get some drinks. It was about 5.30pm now and it all kicked off at 6pm. I went to my room to get changed and then headed out to the banqueting suite across the other side of the hotel.
According to the seating plan, I was on table 23, but all the other guests were embarrassingly missing. So, here I was stuck on a table on my own. No real surprise there. After the speeches, I went across and sat on table 24, so it looked like I actually had some friends. It was a fantastic wedding with a big turn out of family (rather than friends) but in any case, I had a good time. The highlight for me, was the dancers performing a range of well rehearsed steps. I had seen a sneak preview of this back in February and have a range of photographs you can take a look at. This time around, for the full performance, my view was severely restricted. However, that did not stop my enjoyment. The highlight was Thriller towards the middle of the night but they also danced to some recent Hindi songs, which I did not recognise, but what do you expect. Amazing to watch and very different to most Indian weddings.
The party finished around midnight and as they were clearing the room and removing the tables, I said my goodbyes to Rish and Sachin and headed to my room. After I feel asleep, it must have been around 1am. I got up around quarter to seven and thought I should get ready and get some breakfast before the rush. After breakfast, I came back to my room to pack up my things and watch Sky News to catch up with what was going on in the world. Then shortly after 9am, I packed my car and was off. I know I could have left a bit later, but I wanted to make use of the roads while they were quiet and I had to get some diesel as well. I was using the TomTom 510 for the last time before I switch to my own, smart phone solution. I had it on, not for navigation, but more to plan my ETA for Wycombe. You know me by now, I’m one of those people that needs to be fed constant information while driving. It estimated I would be back just after 11am, and it was precise as usual.
I had a few hours to kill before the Arsenal Fulham game. Ironically with this time keeping, I could have made it down to North London in time. Never mind, I can still enjoy from the sofa. I came onto the computer and uploaded the photos to a fresh FlickR set. A much needed win before the final two games of the season, even if the performance was a bit lethargic. Crazy Jens caught flapping once again for the Davies equaliser. During the match, they were flashing up The Emirates Cup on the electronic advertising boards, so I went over to Arsenal dot com to find out more. There is already a page on Wikipedia that reveals all. A pre-season tournament is just what you might expect after many years of us going across to Holland to play in the Amsterdam Tournament. I am looking forward to it and hope to get tickets for the second day as soon as they become available to red members, in a few weeks time.