Sunday 11th Janurary 2004

Was going to update my MP3 database listing, but having problems with WinAmp 5 and also the latest version of EZ Playlist. I will try and get around to it by next weekend. I got confirmation yesterday, of my blog’s listing on BlogWise, on Saturday morning. I hope that this is the point at which my blog starts to get additional explosure from around the world, and is opened to a new audience beyond my circle of friends and family. I will of course, keep you posted. I am not going to submit my blog to any other listing for the time being. I will wait to see the impact that the two I’m currently listed with make to my hits counter! 🙂

I am of course still searching for blogs to add to my must read listing. So if any of you out there come across a blog that deserves a mention, or read, let me know please. Perhaps there should be some book for blogs. 1001 blogs to read before you die, or something similar? Just an idea! 🙂

Been back in Leicester a week and have loads of revision to get done, for my impending exams.

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