Saturday 2nd November 2002

Its the time again. I know its a new month, because all the previous updates to the site and placed on the Updates page and I begin a new month, very much with a blank sheet of paper. Its been a very good week. Actually, a GREAT week, in comparison to many before. I was, […]

Sunday 20th October 2002

Not feeling 100% today. Been feeling quite poorly, got a cold coming on, since I woke up this morning. So I’m afraid, not much of an update to the site at all. To make up for this, I’ll try and do an update during the week. Wednesday, being the most likely evening. Well I hope […]

Saturday 5th October 2002

October already, time really is flying by uncontrollably. I must say, my week has flown by quite quickly and it hasn’t been too bad compared to other weeks. Achieved a substantial amount of tasks successfully which was rewarding. The BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show, now hosted by Scott Mills (for the this week and next) […]