So the day came, and thankfully I had many other things to occupy my mind before the afternoon. The morning was rushed, While I was busy cleaning my car, concentrating on the things I thought are important to make an impression. I received a text, the time had changed to 6pm, but the venue remained […]
Cup Final Day
The day of the cup final is always special, even if today felt different. I got up slightly later than normal and had some toast and tea for breakfast. Cruising the music television channels, I find myself tuning into VH1. They were doing a run down of the 500 Greatest British Songs this weekend. The […]
Friday 20th May 2005
Thursdays, what is your view on them? Can you have a view on the day of the week? Perhaps not, because one Thursday, will never be like another. They stick in my mind for being crucial linkage between the middle and end of the week. The strongest example of this, is from my placement. I […]
Saturday 14th May 2005
Are you superstitious? I was more inclined to believe in such things when I was younger. These days however, I tend to be of the mind, that there are those of us who create our own luck. Friday 13th, has never turned out to be a day of misfortune, so I approach it very much […]
Thursday 12th May 2005
This may be hard to believe, but sometimes I have no motivation to blog. I surf the web and look out for the latest happenings in the blogosphere. I find personal web sites and blogs, online journals and am struck by how interesting and unique, the author leads. Then, I look back at myself and […]
Sunday 8th May 2005
As another weekend draws to a close, I use this time on a Sunday evening to reflect. This day of the week has changed, so much for me over the years. At University, particularly in my first year, it was a time to rest, get shopping done, perhaps go down to the local Odeon cinema […]
Friday 6th May 2005
With Friday comes my weekly blog entry. Sometimes, I consider that I should keep my blogging to this one day a week and include a detailed roundup of all the events in my week. While this was not be difficult to achieve, I feel the ability to record any moment in my life, which I […]
Wednesday 4th May 2005
The big day is tomorrow, and finally after what seems like a lifetime, but was only four weeks of campaigning, or rather electioneering. The only breakthrough in this election has been the blog going from the past time of geek’s and social outcasts to the forefront of the news providing, even news making process. The […]
Monday 2nd May 2005
May already? Where is this year going to? Time is free flowing and at times, as one day passing into a next, I seem to forget that it is 2005 and I turn, 24 this year. The summer is soon to be upon us and with that comes those special moments that only the hot […]
Saturday 30th April 2005
It has been so long since I went to the cinema, that I cannot even remember what I last saw on the big screen. This was an important event. This was the first movie of the period commonly referred to as the Summer Blockbuster. The big hitters coming along with major movies of the year, […]