It appears that I, like many others of you celebrated the arrival of the new year, a second late. Thanks once again to Diamond Geezer for carrying out full in depth research on the fact that new technology takes longer to process than the good old fashion antiques from the last century. Further investigation shows […]
Friday 31st December 2004
A strange way to end the year. Be called out on business, across to Bedford for but nevertheless a necessary meeting. As I headed home the sun was setting across the hills of Dunstable to the east. The M1 southbound was busy but moving steadily as my mind began to drift. My mind reflected on […]
Thursday 30th December 2004
Three months and four days had passed since our last installment. Expectations were high, more so by the extended marketing exposure given this time around. Rather than billboards on the tube, there had been lavish television spots on the build up to the big day. The posters bore a striking resemblance to the final two […]
Tuesday 28th December 2004
Why is it that during the festive period, we lose all sense of date and time. Does Christmas do something to the body clock that is shrouded in mystery? Perhaps even the great Dickens noticed this lapse in human attention at this time of year. My long term love affair with remixes continues. Several months […]
Saturday 25th December 2004
Tradition, the foundation for this time of year. Sown into the very fabric of this country, our way of life, our way of doing things, dare I be political to utter the word, ‘culture’. If there are two groups of people that roam this earth, one set embrace tradition, convention, the establishment. While the rest […]
Tuesday 21st December 2004
Sitting down into my friend’s Mazda 6, I smiled with glee at the creature comforts, leather seats, satellite navigation and Bose in car audio system. I noticed a CD case, in the door storage panel, to my left and picked it up. The front of the case came off in my hand, coming to my […]
Thursday 16th December 2004
It all came together as I was driven around into the car park of my new office. My new working day home. To say this was a different environment was an understatement. I had gone, from (in my humble opinion) the greatest city in the world to this countryside retreat. Well, that is not so […]
Wednesday 15th December 2004
I have been using credit cards for the past five years and am bemused by the new scheme of Chip and Pin. Sure, the signature as a measure of authority has been ineffective for decades but entering a pin appears to have several flaws of its own. As an organised individual, I am usually on […]
Monday 13th December 2004
It was billed as Judgment Day and it did not disappoint. A result for Rupert and the boys if nobody else. Let us focus for a few minutes on the trails. Pinning Mr. Wenger and Mr. Mourinho against each other as time travelling killing machines. My Dad hates all theses trails, across the digital broadcaster […]
Friday 10th December 2004
Almost exactly six months ago, I had my second interview with the City Law firm, whom I started working for eleven days later. In a twist of fate, (or should that be luck?) I find myself in a very similar predicament once again. Following a successful second interview yesterday afternoon, I waited patiently for the […]