Went to see the Incredibles on Sunday evening, with my sisters. This must have been the first time we had gone to the cinema as siblings since Benji the Hunted. That was over seventeen years ago, the UCI Wycombe Six has become the FilmWorks. How times have changed. Managing expectations. That is what must be […]
Friday 3rd December 2004
In between my two interviews today, I was at home to grab some lunch. While scrolling around the music channels on Sky I came across VH1. It had very much gone over my head, it was the final day of the sacred Immortals Week. I had flicked through the channel throughout the course of the […]
Wednesday 1st December 2004
In an ideal world, I would have started writing a blog/journal/online diary much earlier in life. Thinking about it consciously the best moment would have been the summer of 1999. So much was going on in my life. I had just finished my first year at college, had made a whole new group of friends. […]
Sunday 28th November 2004
This must be a problem that faces many other of my fellow bloggers. What to include in this entry. What is so interesting that it can capture the imagination of my small readership? To be frank, my life is very dull, bland and at times characterless. Yet, I still somehow achieve to write about the […]
Wednesday 24th November 2004
Finally, after months of idle talk and creative web designer’s block. Sixty four days to be exact. In that time, I must have started at least twenty six individual designs, only to go back to the drawing board after spending a day working on each. Looks, like I am not alone. [andrewtegala dot net] is […]
Sunday 21st November 2004
The fog was thick, on this late Sunday night, as I headed out onto the M40. The road ahead was a certain as my own future. I suppose ultimately I was lacking inspiration. Lacking the enthusiasm for life, which I had shown and felt so warmly five months ago. Times had changed. Events throughout my […]
Thursday 18th November 2004
As I have already noted here, on previous occasions, blogging has now become an important part of my life. Something that I shall never stop doing. I cannot predict a situation when I would ever need to. Regardless of what others may say, this blog will continue to grown and blossom. For some people, catching […]
Tuesday 16th November 2004
I am surprised to discover that there are some people who can blog first time. By this I mean they can open up Microsoft Notepad (or any third party alternative) or login to Blogger write their piece. Upload. Done. These are the raw blogs, directly from the heart. Providing the purest of emotion. Then there […]
Saturday 13th November 2004
When an period in your life comes to an end, there is an empty feeling. Being a creature of habit, a strict routine is very important to me. I long for structure in my life. Without trying to make myself sound like unexciting, I am trying to get across my emotions. It is difficult, because […]
Wednesday 3rd November 2004
Following on from some of my comments in my previous post, last month I was rather bemused to discover the following article as a headline (is that the right phrase to use?) on BBC News website. Obviously that is taking an extreme example but I do not want to see myself in that dire predicament […]