London, has always been a city of great excitement for me. Mainly because I have only visited it as a tourist, with family or for entertainment purposes. In recent weeks, it has become the venue of work. My perception of the city will change in the coming weeks, as I spend more and more time […]
Monday 7th June 2004
Never forget those true heroes of our time. For many, their act of bravery and courage was their last.
Sunday 6th June 2004
The 40th President of the United States, passed away yesterday. A strong symbol of 1980s America. The news was overshadowed, by the 60th anniversary of the D-Day landings. I have been enjoying some of the coverage on the BBC. History is one of my favourite subjects, and the Second World War, is the greatest topic […]
Friday 4th June 2004
A week ago, I was on my PC, applying for some jobs. I was quite pleased with myself having now secured two interviews for next week. The phone rang. It was my Dad. He said I should go down to the NEC for the British Motor Show. My initial reaction, was to decline the offer. […]
Monday 31th May 2004
Firstly, I wish to extend my deepest apologises to many of my friends. The last few days, and this holiday weekend just past, have been extremely hectic. I have tried my best to keep in touch with everyone and let them know what is going on. I know this has not always been possible, therefore, […]
Sunday 30th May 2004
As a general rule, I try to blog, as soon after the event as possible. However, you must understand that this is not always possible. This weekend, has been one of those moments. I tend to have a strange blog. When there is nothing of great interest going on, I blog regularly and almost erratically. […]
Friday 28th May 2004
My housemate Nav told me that he knew a ‘Strickland’ back at his secondary school. No relation to the case of the bully, recently in the news. To understand the significance of this comment, you need to go back to my entry from Friday 23rd January 2004. I have not had the pleasure or (discomfort) […]
Wednesday 26th May 2004
I will be back in Wycombe on Sunday and I must say I am looking forward to going home. Of all the journeys I have made home from University, this will be the sweetest and the most comforting. I have nothing to gain by staying in Leicester. Of course some of my friends remain, but […]
Monday 24th May 2004
We all have expectations. Expectations on how you will feel at certain milestones in your life. That all important 16th birthday, 18 and of course 21, the true coming of age and entering adulthood with real responsibilities. I am trying hard to compare the current milestone in my life with others. In reality they do […]
Thursday 20th May 2004
A topic that I have covered on several times on my blog and will always continue to discuss. Music. What has the biggest influences in shaping the types of music we like? Our childhood, our friends? Our experiences? Or purely the radio stations and music video channels we watch? My answer would be all of […]