I have never truly understood the very British obsession with the weather. Something that I have now come to live with. When there is nothing else to talk about, we discuss the weather. We meet complete stranger, and after the dignitaries of asking how they are, we exclaim that, rained cats and dogs two days […]
Sunday 16th May 2004
‘God Is A Gooner’ read one of banners at Highbury yesterday afternoon as Arsenal went into the history books by going the full Premiership season unbeaten. There has already been the discussion of whether this team deserves the title of greatness. I am not going to give an unbiased opinion here, but let me add […]
Friday 14th May 2004
I made my first purchase via eBay, this evening. It was a ‘Buy Now’ product, so I did not bid in a live auction. However, overall I have been impressed with the quality of the service and instant response from the seller. Just have to wait for my goods to arrive now. A five to […]
Wednesday 12th May 2004
This may sound old fashioned but I quite like poetry. This links in well with my love of great songs with a message. Songs with a message usually have very moving and powerful lyrics. Poetry is at the heart of this. My love of poems started a young age and I suppose I did not […]
Monday 10th May 2004
My exam this morning went well. Actually it went much better than I expected, the questions I had revised for and more importantly hoped for appeared. Fantastic! This was to be the most challenging of the three that I face this summer. However that is not to say that the final two will be a […]
Sunday 9th May 2004
I have my first exam tomorrow morning. I am looking forward to it, even though the most difficult of the three I have. I am quite nervous though. Perhaps because I know, that these final exams hold the key to my degree classification. I know that I have worked hard this semester and just need […]
Friday 7th May 2004
Over a month ago, towards the end of March, I mentioned that one of my favourite blogs had closed. I was extremely disappointment that it had come to such an end. I did mention in that entry that Max would be back. He would miss blogging and the outlet that it provides him. I was […]
Wednesday 5th May 2004
Went to Subway for the first time today. It is not normal practice for me to promote particular products, services or takeaway joints, but I think I will make an exception. Reasonable priced sandwiches which are great value for money. During my second year, it was being built on Narborough Road and opened sometime during […]
Tuesday 4th May 2004
When will we ever learn? Maybe that is too much of a sweeping statement. When will I learn? Learn that you should never leave work to the last minute? A deadline looms and we feel we are oblivious to time and will get the assignment done. But here we are the weekend before the deadline, […]
Monday 3rd May 2004
One of the most busiest weekends of my entire University career. My dissertation or what is more commonly refereed to as my Final Year Project is due in tomorrow by 2pm. Must admit that I never thought I would be in such a mess with the deadline less then 24 hours away. This is, therefore […]