Why do holidays pass by so quickly? I am back in Leicester and have a brief (very brief) rest bite before my exams begin in two weeks time. This is it. This is the final countdown. The final hurdle. I feel strange because I have not spent the time thinking about this moment, as I […]
Thursday 22nd April 2004
I have done something out of character this week. I have watched two Bollywood movies. Regular readers of my blog will know that I am not the greatest fan of this movie genre. Actually if I am honest with myself, I detest them. You only need to look back at the 15th July 2003 to […]
Wednesday 14th April 2004
People who know me well, know I am an excessive control freak. I have to hold my destiny in my hands, if I do not have the power to control the outcome of events, I will do my utmost to make sure that they are at least ‘bent’ or rather ‘shaped’ in my favour. But […]
Monday 12th April 2004
As I come to the end of University and hence the educational leg of this trip we call life, I do wonder. I wonder what will make the children of tomorrow to take this step and leap into higher education. I recall like yesterday the day, when I ‘knew’ I would be heading to University. […]
Sunday 11th April 2004
A difficult week for me as an Arsenal fan. Particularly when so many of my friends are ‘ManYoo’ fans! However, I am a strong believer that we need to be taken to a point of great despair, to realise how important everything else is. To put the rest of our lives into perspective. This then […]
Wednesday 7th April 2004
This is not a scheduled update, as you will not from my previous entry yesterday evening. However, I felt the need to put a few ideas into HTML and get them on the web as soon as possible. It was mid morning on Monday, and I had settled down to my PC to get some […]
Tuesday 6th April 2004
I haven’t been avoiding blogging, as many would have you believe. Defeat is something that I’ve only tasted a few times with Arsenal this season and I am sure they will bounce back this evening against Chelsea. Once again, someone else has been able to put together the words that fit the current situation with […]
Friday 2nd April 2004
I must admit that in the past few days, I have wanted to blog, but I have lacked the inspiration and motivation to actually add an entry. I would, of course, apologise for this. I feel it is necessary to do so. I know how important my blog has become to all my reader’s and […]
Monday 29th March 2004
My friend Daz, asks me on Friday, as he does most Friday’s for an album. Of course I can not go into detail, on how I ‘obtained’ this album. The album in question was “Ride Da Riddims 2”. It should ring a bell, because it is one of the many television advertised albums. As always, […]
Sunday 28th March 2004
Another weekend drifts by. A thought that warms my heart and brings a smile to my face is the fact that I will be home this time next week. A pleasant cosy prospect, I must admit. Not much else to report really, life continues, as it should. Excited about going home, meeting up with my […]