I cannot remember exactly when I first started reading the Savage Chickens cartoon strip. Perhaps in the middle of 2005. I am quite sure it was recommended to me, either online or perhaps even in newsprint. You can view all my Savage Chicken themed posts by searching for the tag. There are three blogs I […]
That Very Familiar Feeling
When do you know Christmas has finally arrived? For many years, it would be the Coca-Cola television spot, with the big US trucks (Holidays Are Coming). This year, it was as I drove home on Monday evening. I was joining the A419 southbound to join the M4 at Junction 15. I was listening to BBC […]
Woody’s Roundup
I thought it would be good to post a catch-up post, to collect together all my recent adventures. However, do not worry, I am still working hard on the India entries, and hope to post another entry before the weekend comes to a close. September is my favourite month of the year. The presumption most […]
Who Goes There?
Before I get bogged down with writing up my India holiday blog posts, I thought it would good and refreshing to give a quick catch up post on everything I have been up to since I returned from the subcontinent. My Dad recommended I did not go straight to sleep when I got back to […]
Shameless Self Marketing
Does this cartoon remind you of anyone? Check out a fresh chicken (plus many friends) every weekday over at Savage Chickens.
All Change
A historical week for the United Kingdom, but a below average week for me. Nothing major to report at all really, I just thought it would be a nice change to actually post “live”. I have to be honest, I had almost forgotten how good it feels. I am still in the progress of transferring […]
The Abandoned Blog
Where have I been for the past five months? Well I have been busy behind the scenes, converting my old school HTML blog into WordPress. I know what you are saying, it should be an easy job for a geek like me. Well actually, it turned out to be a rather tedious cut and paste […]
Finally, after several years of thinking about it, I am finally here. Static HTML pages are so 1999, I need to bring myself into the 21st century. The WordPress application has been installed onto my server and I now have the mega operation of transferring over seven years of blog posts from pure HTML into […]
Wednesday 16th September 2009
I am still alive! I just have a the biggest backlog of all time to get through and just have not found the time to get around to blogging. There is so much to mention and so little time. I thought it best to flip the month over and continue to update the blog from […]
Sunday 19th July 2009
A relatively quiet weekend, with no plans but it was just what I needed. I had made a list late on Friday night with everything I wanted to achieve, and looking at the list now, late on Sunday evening, I can see I have not completed a handful of tasks but perhaps the biggest is […]