Stop the clock, there are now just a mere 31, 536, 000 seconds left of my twenties. The big 30 is fast approaching and there is very little I can do stop this collision course. I just guess I have to hang on and enjoy the ride!
England Expects
Who Goes There?
Before I get bogged down with writing up my India holiday blog posts, I thought it would good and refreshing to give a quick catch up post on everything I have been up to since I returned from the subcontinent. My Dad recommended I did not go straight to sleep when I got back to […]
East Lundon
Wednesday 9th September 2009
I took a half day today, to go and catch the crucial World Cup Qualifier at Wembley with Chris. While I perhaps could have just asked to leave earlier but it is not the same rushing to the stadium with everyone else leaving work. I would much rather head over and have plenty of time […]
Thursday 11th June 2009
Friday 17th April 2009
What a week, even it if was only four working days. I now found myself very late on a Friday with 167 things to do before I go to bed. However I feel I should write a quick blog roundup mainly because there is so much going on this weekend I doubt I will find […]
Friday 10th April 2009
Those of you lucky enough not to be working today, I am sure you will agree that today feels like a Saturday. It does for me and I have just got back from town, had quite a few little jobs to get done before getting back home around 1pm for some food. Let me first […]
Monday 22nd December 2008
Been a very hectic few days and my feet have barely touched the ground. However, I am somewhat settled here late on Monday evening to give a quick Woody’s Roundup on the events of the past few days. I will start with Friday. I left work at 4pm and headed back to the flat. I […]
Friday 19th December 2008
They say a week is a long time in politics. In my own universe a week is a very long time, particularly if you are waiting for some RAM to arrive which you think will solve all your computer problems. It is a long story but I will start right at the beginning, from the […]