You know me, by now. I liked to keep everything standard. My MSN screen name, like much of my life is kept simple and straightforward. When at home, I am ‘Teg’. During office hours, while I am at work, my screen name is ‘Andrew’. This may seen bland and boring, as now you can change […]
Sunday 25th September 2005
Generally speaking, my weekends are below average and tedious. Yet, every once in a while, I have a big weekend (usually around once a month) when several events fall on to the same weekend schedule. Next weekend is a case in point. Originally, it was just another dull weekend, until Terry (of Gooner’s World fame!) […]
Sunday 21st August 2005
The mother of all reality television shows return to our television screen last night. While purists would always go for Big Brother, my personal opinion on the whole RT situation is as follows. If you have talent, you will be discovered and have your fifteen minutes (perhaps more). However, we must stop now, the mindset […]
Friday 19th August 2005
So I reach the end of my first week of hosting with 123-Reg. What can I say? It is great to not have to give out a separate link for the banner free hosting. The orange UK2 banner has now a place in the back of my memory and no longer a blunt appearance at […]
Friday 10th June 2005
Friday again, with us more than half way through the year. Time seems to be passing by and work consumes me more than anything else. Sometimes I feel I don’t really have much of a life outside of the office. The fact that I have been working solid since 16th December, with not a single […]
Cup Final Day
The day of the cup final is always special, even if today felt different. I got up slightly later than normal and had some toast and tea for breakfast. Cruising the music television channels, I find myself tuning into VH1. They were doing a run down of the 500 Greatest British Songs this weekend. The […]
Thursday 12th May 2005
This may be hard to believe, but sometimes I have no motivation to blog. I surf the web and look out for the latest happenings in the blogosphere. I find personal web sites and blogs, online journals and am struck by how interesting and unique, the author leads. Then, I look back at myself and […]
Sunday 8th May 2005
As another weekend draws to a close, I use this time on a Sunday evening to reflect. This day of the week has changed, so much for me over the years. At University, particularly in my first year, it was a time to rest, get shopping done, perhaps go down to the local Odeon cinema […]
Saturday 19th March 2005
Seven days have passed since my last posting, but you don’t need to have a Mathematics degree to work that out. To say I have been busy, would be an under statement. There just has been so much going on, with the office move and technical hiccups with gremlins in the phone system. Although I […]
Saturday 12th March 2005
Saturday 12th March 2005 Those who know me well, and even those who have only recently got in touch should agree that of all the words that can be used to describe me, optimistic is for sure high on the list. Not sure where this positive attitude came from, because I have in the same […]