Lifestyle Changes

Many months since a blog post, making me wonder who still actually reads this blog and is it worth still investing the expense to keep it running (along with all my other websites). While I can continue to have a relative limit web presence for free by using Twitter and Facebook. (Although Facebook I tend […]

Back in the Gym

I have a confession to make. A subject I have been avoiding for some time. The sharp tools in the toolkit out there nay have noted my lack of discussion on this topic , on Facebook but also predominately Twitter! My last session at the gym was way back in mid December. How do I […]

Back In The Saddle

Back in the gym this evening after a ten day break. The reason for this long absence, is two fold. Firstly I was quite ill last week Monday to Wednesday and then by the time I had recovered, I was off for my weekend away in North Wales. There was little chance of me going […]

Sunday 27th July 2008

I was the first person in the gym this morning, a few minutes after 7.30am. I wanted to get the workout out of the way early, so I could get home and get on with all the little jobs I had to do. The gym was completely dead and only had a handful of users […]

Sunday 13th April 2008

Apologises to use the overused pun but a Saturday of two halves. First half productive, second half relatively empty and meaningless. I got up a bit later than I wanted to but rushed to get ready and caught the bus at 9.32am. First stop, Jerry’s Street Styles for a haircut, then to the library. This […]