Loose Change

While I expect nothing less from my peers, I do expect a Vice President to conduct themselves more becoming of their seniority within the organisation. To view all the other office pranks I have been subjected to in my relative short career, they are all tagged with office prank. The dossier for HR grows larger with […]

A Journey Through History

As we fast approach British Summer Time – the clocks change three weeks from today, the mornings and early evenings tend to be a little brighter. Perhaps the perfect moment to take you all on a journey. My daily commute from a village in North Bracknell to the village of Datchet across from the M4 […]

Working Hard

Great to see colleagues working hard in the open plan office, even when on hour long conference calls with colleagues based in the New York office late into our working day. At least being on the telephone, they are still involved in work (no matter how loosely) rather than passing the time by reading the […]

Some Things Never Change

Office moves or desks moves, at my current employer, I have moved one floor down and desks now three times. My current desk is situated in an extremely open plan office. We have had the partitions lowered to the bare minimum, which will make calls very interesting in the future. The objective to increase collaboration […]

Proud Landing

A last minute change of plan, meant I found myself booking a flight over to Prague for a business trip on Monday returning late Tuesday evening. My last business trip was almost exactly two years ago while working for Microsoft to the capital of Finland. I was travelling to the Czech Republic and unknown to […]

Women Glow, Men Plunder

Several months ago I was told by my colleague Samantha, that she was off to travel and work in New Zealand. This did not come as a complete surprise, I had noted a guide book to the Southern Hemisphere country on her Instagram feed, several days earlier. She had actually been afraid I might mention […]