It is strange when you build up to a moment in the short term, in the case here, the arrival of today. Yet, it does not quite live up to the expectation. Although for a change my expectations were low, I just wanted the afternoon to come around so I could leave. Not a fantastic […]
Sunday 7th June 2009
Five to six on a lazy early summer afternoon as we slowly slip into that period when we actually come to realise that the evening is here and there is work tomorrow. However, I am not going to fuel that fire, instead, I am going to let you know how my weekend has been and […]
Friday 26th September 2008
It had to happen at some point and personally I’m surprised it took as long as nineteen working days into my job. On Thursday morning, as I drove up the A404 (when it magically transforms from being just a normal A-road into a dual carriage motorway), the A404(M), I saw the following message displayed on […]
Friday 12th September 2008
So there we have it, Monday morning was my third new start of my career so far. How did it go? Well in comparison to my previous two starts (which were almost exactly six months apart in 2004) the day progressed very well. In a way, it does not feel I have been away from […]
Friday 5th September 2008
I will start my post as I always do at this time of year. September is my favourite month, but perhaps this year for more reasons than most. So much to cover and the fact that my previous post took so long to write up meant I have only just had a chance to sit […]
Sunday 24th August 2008
Been trying since Friday afternoon to get around to posting a blog entry but one thing or another has stopped me. Mainly the fact I have little of note worthy of a mention and being distracted by other things (mainly the Olympics on television). A rather strange week for me, which flew by even though […]
Friday 15th August 2008
Friday at last and a special Friday but more on that later. This is first time all week that I have been able to come onto the computer in a relaxed frame of mind and actually dedicate a few hours to this blog. There is plenty of news and although an official announcement is not […]
Saturday 9th August 2008
A complete change of plan from the Friday I had originally planned. Had to drag myself out of bed at at 4am today. I lie. My alarm was set for 4am, I got up at 4.22am and rushed around to get ready. I had a really strange dream last night, I think that was playing […]
Thursday 13th April 2006
I set off early to avoid any jams which would delay me no end. The inter web directions had taken me on the M25 and M11, but I had decided over the weekend, that the best option was the M40, A40 and A406. No nonsense, just the most direct route. There was an air of […]
Friday 20th May 2005
Thursdays, what is your view on them? Can you have a view on the day of the week? Perhaps not, because one Thursday, will never be like another. They stick in my mind for being crucial linkage between the middle and end of the week. The strongest example of this, is from my placement. I […]