All in all, a great weekend. Nothing spectacular but good fun! I left home to head up to Leicester around 2.30pm and got to the hotel a little after 4pm. I was not in a rush on the drive up, so took my time, enjoying the music and dipping in and out of the commentary […]
Friday 20th April 2007
Friday had come around again, and I realised as I was getting ready in the morning that a week ago at the same time I was on the BMI flight to Edinburgh. Strange how different things can be, just seven days later. Work itself has been busy but I am enjoying all the challenges as […]
Wednesday 18th April 2007
I like it when things slowly fall into place. My N73 case and magnetic dock arrived on Monday. Then on Tuesday my Parrot Bluetooth GPS car kit arrived, I was surprised at how small it was, even the GPS antenna. We are getting there, slowly but surely. Matt gets back from his holiday in Oz […]
Wednesday 4th April 2007
Drove into Wycombe on Sunday and noticed a new post at the top of Marlow Hill. Sure enough, they are going to place a SPECS camera to catch even more speeding motorists. Making 1.2 million over the past four years obviously is not enough. I tried to do some research on the net but nothing […]
Saturday 31st March 2007
End of March already? Where is 2007 going? I was out for a curry with some work colleagues last night and Chris (the saviour that he is) drove me back home at half past midnight by which time his girlfriend had fallen asleep. If that relationship breaks down, I’m sure I will be the first […]
Sunday 18th March 2007
Finally got around to updating my Audio page. Can you believe it has been over thirteen months since I last updated it? Rather poor by my high standards. Last Sunday I spent a little time organising my portable CD collection that I carry in my car. I removed all my MP3 CDs as I will […]
Sunday 11th March 2007
A quiet weekend, by my standards, but nothing wrong in that. I think next weekend will be quiet too. It is difficult to get the right balance, although I am hoping it switches back to big weekend, followed by a relaxing weekend. We were discussing or rather planning our big weekends for the rest of […]
Friday 9th March 2007
A disappointing week. You will know the reason and I will not spend any time going into the reasons why. They can be explored in depth over here, there and even over here. I am trying to find positive things to mention, noteworthy enough to make an appearance on my blog. It is not been […]
Teg Drives Again
It took me exactly two months and 4 days to get back on the road ‘officially”. Not bad considering that in that space of time we have had Christmas, the turn of the New Year, a car accident (or two) and a drop of snow. This morning I had my registration transferred onto my A3. […]
Thursday 22nd February 2007
Sometimes it is good to do things, just for the experience. I agree, the whole episode (if I can call it that) was a great experience, even if I did not get the result I expect. Then again, I did not really know what to expect, so perhaps this was the right result this time […]