Sunday 19th March 2006

My Sunday turned out to be far more busier than my Saturday, when in most cases it is usually the other way around. Around 7.30am, I heard my Mum in the kitchen, it was time to get up. Yet I had a thumping headache and the beginnings of a cold. I was not in the […]

Sunday 19th February 2006

The weekend is nearly over, but I have so much to report. Let me start with the Saturday night movie. History was one of my favourite subjects at school and I relish learning about the past and the events from all around the world. Yet, I will confess I am quite ignorant when it comes […]

Sunday 12th February 2006

So much to discuss and I have no where to begin, my mind is full of all several points of discussion, but let me begin with some entertainment and take it from there. I was in Birmingham yesterday. Being a small town boy, while lure of the big cities lights are something I enjoy, I […]