Rather than taking the sensible option and sleeping on the flight back to Luton, I decided to jot down some notes for this entry on the back of a couple of business cards. The elderly gentleman, sitting next to me, working on Sudoku puzzle #247 from a daily newspaper, looked up rather bemused as I […]
Sunday 19th March 2006
My Sunday turned out to be far more busier than my Saturday, when in most cases it is usually the other way around. Around 7.30am, I heard my Mum in the kitchen, it was time to get up. Yet I had a thumping headache and the beginnings of a cold. I was not in the […]
Thursday 16th March 2006
Apparently in my review of the best geek watches of all time, a week ago, Hussein informs me that I missed out one of the big contenders. The Fossil Wrist Watch. Hope this inclusion, makes him happy. The Sky TV guide has changed with the music channels moving over to a new start of 340 […]
Monday 13th March 2006
I parked up on my drive just before 8pm and my Monday was finally coming to an end. Throughout my journey home on the motorway, I was thinking of how I would fit everything into an entry. I have so much to write about, so much to report that I might as well stop wasting […]
Tuesday 7th March 2006
Saturday afternoon needs to be revisited in this posting, mainly because late Sunday night I was running out of time and really needed to get some sleep. A shame really because there was so much more to tell you about. Never mind, perhaps I can use this entry to catch up on the points missed […]
Monday 27th February 2006
Was hoping to update the blog last night, after I got in from Reading, but an acute headache forced me to bed early. I was out for the count by at least 9.30pm. On the downside, a rather forgettable evening, but on the upside, I woke up this morning, feeling fresh and able to face […]
Sunday 19th February 2006
The weekend is nearly over, but I have so much to report. Let me start with the Saturday night movie. History was one of my favourite subjects at school and I relish learning about the past and the events from all around the world. Yet, I will confess I am quite ignorant when it comes […]
Friday 17th February 2006
It felt like I was waiting for a lifetime for it to finally be Friday. More precisely Friday evening, so I could get around to updating my blog. So many thoughts running around my head and so little time to get it onto the page. We will see how it goes. On Thursday as I […]
Sunday 12th February 2006
So much to discuss and I have no where to begin, my mind is full of all several points of discussion, but let me begin with some entertainment and take it from there. I was in Birmingham yesterday. Being a small town boy, while lure of the big cities lights are something I enjoy, I […]
Wednesday 8th February 2006
How ironic, the new MP3 CD which I had just burnt on Sunday, switched over to Mylo – Doctor Pressure, as I took to lead six of my colleagues over to Premier Karting. The clock was ticking, it was a few minutes past six as I headed out of the main gates. We had to […]