Saturday 29th October 2005

Site went down during the early hours of Monday morning, but I did not discover the fact that my site was down until late on Monday evening. Exceeded my monthly bandwidth allowance (again) after only the other week, giving myself a top up of 200mb for the cost of £7. This time around, I decided […]

Friday 21st October 2005

It felt like any other Friday, in any other week from the past ten months or so. Yet, there was a strange feeling hanging in the air. It started around 11.30am, inadvertent I had left my mobile on. Something I religiously avoid, but it was ringing and I did not want to answer, particularly as […]

Sunday 9th October 2005

While perhaps my music tastes may not be to everyone’s liking, I do have a great passion for cover singles. My views are quite clear cut. If you really must you need to follow some simple rules. Under no circumstances, simply ‘re-produce’ the song. Revisit the song (as a friend recently put it to me) […]