Friday 31st December 2004

A strange way to end the year. Be called out on business, across to Bedford for but nevertheless a necessary meeting. As I headed home the sun was setting across the hills of Dunstable to the east. The M1 southbound was busy but moving steadily as my mind began to drift. My mind reflected on […]

Thursday 16th December 2004

It all came together as I was driven around into the car park of my new office. My new working day home. To say this was a different environment was an understatement. I had gone, from (in my humble opinion) the greatest city in the world to this countryside retreat. Well, that is not so […]

Wednesday 15th December 2004

I have been using credit cards for the past five years and am bemused by the new scheme of Chip and Pin. Sure, the signature as a measure of authority has been ineffective for decades but entering a pin appears to have several flaws of its own. As an organised individual, I am usually on […]

Sunday 21st November 2004

The fog was thick, on this late Sunday night, as I headed out onto the M40. The road ahead was a certain as my own future. I suppose ultimately I was lacking inspiration. Lacking the enthusiasm for life, which I had shown and felt so warmly five months ago. Times had changed. Events throughout my […]