Thursday 18th November 2004

As I have already noted here, on previous occasions, blogging has now become an important part of my life. Something that I shall never stop doing. I cannot predict a situation when I would ever need to. Regardless of what others may say, this blog will continue to grown and blossom. For some people, catching […]

Wednesday 3rd November 2004

Following on from some of my comments in my previous post, last month I was rather bemused to discover the following article as a headline (is that the right phrase to use?) on BBC News website. Obviously that is taking an extreme example but I do not want to see myself in that dire predicament […]

Sunday 31st October 2004

In the summer of 2003, when I was considering the re launch of this site, the return was turning out to be more of a retirement rather than anything else. My own lazy attitude was the main culprit on this occasion (and it appears that history repeating itself). In July, I created a blogspot account, […]

Friday 29th October 2004

At times I find it it difficult to put into words, the story of my life. Sometimes, I look at myself and in the mirror I see, one of the least interesting people in the universe. Giving great evidence for the existence of the great ‘nobody’ is not hard. Yet the person that stares back […]

Wednesday 13th October 2004

It is difficult to explain and describe my weekly routine at present. I arrive at Marylebone station around 7.25am, some twelve hours later, I am getting off the train as it pulls into High Wycombe. One word to label my working life, crazy!I need to get around to working on my new website but for […]

Friday 1st October 2004

Friday 1st October 2004 When you place the most important decisions of your working day into others, you are their mercy. When these decisions can make or very much break your day, you at odds. I think, we all as human beings hate being out of the loop, hate more not being in control. I […]