Been at working in my new job for three weeks now. My role has not changed so much, as I am being given a chance to help out with the help desk. Although I am no stranger to technical support, it is strange, when I am dealing with hundreds of members of staff. My telephone […]
Friday 2nd July 2004
Friday, a great day of the week. It has been my favourite day, since first school. Now it usually takes two turns. I can either feel high. Full of bags of energy and have a great urgency to do everything. Or the flip side, worse still, I am heavily tired and exhausted from the working […]
Sunday 27th June 2004
Following six months and three days without going to the pictures, I decided to put things right. Went to see, Shrek 2 last night at the fabulous O2 Centre on Finchley Road. On my daily journey to work, I see the leisure centre, from my train. As you know, my favourite brand of cinema is […]
Friday 25th June 2004
Friday, and the end of my official week at work. How has it been? Well it has been very different from what I expected, I give you that. During the course of the week, the commuting was physically causing me some issues, but at this moment in time, I feel great. Maybe it is just […]
Thursday 24th June 2004
Something that I have missed from my previous two entries. I have started reading again. After an absence of some four years, which has meant the last time I picked up a book was during my last A Level English Literature exam. Shameful, I admit. On Monday, I decided against reading a book. I wanted […]
Sunday 20th June 2004
Smooth. That is how I would describe several people I know. But predominately I have noticed something. That the smoothest people I know, are black. There is just something special, unique or sophisticated, in the way they pull this off. A friend for example, would put on his shades, plugging his iPod and head of […]
Saturday 12th June 2004
I was driving home from a friend’s house late last night, traveling on my favourite road. I am not sure exactly why this stretch of insignificant tarmac has become so important to me. I suppose, because it is the final leg of my journey as I return home and enter the home counties, my home […]
Monday 7th June 2004
Never forget those true heroes of our time. For many, their act of bravery and courage was their last.
Sunday 6th June 2004
The 40th President of the United States, passed away yesterday. A strong symbol of 1980s America. The news was overshadowed, by the 60th anniversary of the D-Day landings. I have been enjoying some of the coverage on the BBC. History is one of my favourite subjects, and the Second World War, is the greatest topic […]
Friday 4th June 2004
A week ago, I was on my PC, applying for some jobs. I was quite pleased with myself having now secured two interviews for next week. The phone rang. It was my Dad. He said I should go down to the NEC for the British Motor Show. My initial reaction, was to decline the offer. […]