Firstly, I wish to extend my deepest apologises to many of my friends. The last few days, and this holiday weekend just past, have been extremely hectic. I have tried my best to keep in touch with everyone and let them know what is going on. I know this has not always been possible, therefore, […]
Sunday 30th May 2004
As a general rule, I try to blog, as soon after the event as possible. However, you must understand that this is not always possible. This weekend, has been one of those moments. I tend to have a strange blog. When there is nothing of great interest going on, I blog regularly and almost erratically. […]
Friday 28th May 2004
My housemate Nav told me that he knew a ‘Strickland’ back at his secondary school. No relation to the case of the bully, recently in the news. To understand the significance of this comment, you need to go back to my entry from Friday 23rd January 2004. I have not had the pleasure or (discomfort) […]
Monday 24th May 2004
We all have expectations. Expectations on how you will feel at certain milestones in your life. That all important 16th birthday, 18 and of course 21, the true coming of age and entering adulthood with real responsibilities. I am trying hard to compare the current milestone in my life with others. In reality they do […]
Thursday 20th May 2004
A topic that I have covered on several times on my blog and will always continue to discuss. Music. What has the biggest influences in shaping the types of music we like? Our childhood, our friends? Our experiences? Or purely the radio stations and music video channels we watch? My answer would be all of […]
Monday 17th May 2004
I have never truly understood the very British obsession with the weather. Something that I have now come to live with. When there is nothing else to talk about, we discuss the weather. We meet complete stranger, and after the dignitaries of asking how they are, we exclaim that, rained cats and dogs two days […]
Friday 14th May 2004
I made my first purchase via eBay, this evening. It was a ‘Buy Now’ product, so I did not bid in a live auction. However, overall I have been impressed with the quality of the service and instant response from the seller. Just have to wait for my goods to arrive now. A five to […]
Wednesday 12th May 2004
This may sound old fashioned but I quite like poetry. This links in well with my love of great songs with a message. Songs with a message usually have very moving and powerful lyrics. Poetry is at the heart of this. My love of poems started a young age and I suppose I did not […]
Monday 10th May 2004
My exam this morning went well. Actually it went much better than I expected, the questions I had revised for and more importantly hoped for appeared. Fantastic! This was to be the most challenging of the three that I face this summer. However that is not to say that the final two will be a […]
Sunday 9th May 2004
I have my first exam tomorrow morning. I am looking forward to it, even though the most difficult of the three I have. I am quite nervous though. Perhaps because I know, that these final exams hold the key to my degree classification. I know that I have worked hard this semester and just need […]