Thursday 18th March 2004

I was listening to BBC Radio 2 one lazy afternoon several weeks ago. Steve Wright was at the helm of course, and I was rather taken aback by the first song he played. The vocalists sounded so familiar, the lyrics so distant but the words, the words spoke volumes. It took me sometime to find […]

Friday 5th March 2004

Life goes on. It does feel somewhat surreal for me at the moment. You tend to look forward with some blurred vision, of what your final year will be like. I do not just mean, the ending of your life as a student and many of the virtues and vices associated with being at university […]

Sunday 29th February 2004

Today is day that doesn’t exist for most of us. The significance of a year leap is beyond the approach for me to discuss. I rarely discuss the importance of days that have no significance for me personally. Afterall this day belongs to those, to those for it means something. The one day when a […]