Another weekend drifts by. A thought that warms my heart and brings a smile to my face is the fact that I will be home this time next week. A pleasant cosy prospect, I must admit. Not much else to report really, life continues, as it should. Excited about going home, meeting up with my […]
Thursday 25th March 2004
Do you sometimes take a step away from your life and wonder if this actually happening to you? I have been doing this several times recently. Not exactly sure why I have been reflecting, maybe because time is passing me by quicker than ever expected. These final few weeks of University life are not allowing […]
Thursday 18th March 2004
I was listening to BBC Radio 2 one lazy afternoon several weeks ago. Steve Wright was at the helm of course, and I was rather taken aback by the first song he played. The vocalists sounded so familiar, the lyrics so distant but the words, the words spoke volumes. It took me sometime to find […]
Wednesday 10th March 2004
I do sometimes wonder how clever a software a program can be. At times software can really turn into a nightmare and put you completely off. Not the case with WinAmp, well not on recent outings. I felt in the mood for blogging. Not just because I have loads of my mind and need to […]
Friday 5th March 2004
Life goes on. It does feel somewhat surreal for me at the moment. You tend to look forward with some blurred vision, of what your final year will be like. I do not just mean, the ending of your life as a student and many of the virtues and vices associated with being at university […]
Sunday 29th February 2004
Today is day that doesn’t exist for most of us. The significance of a year leap is beyond the approach for me to discuss. I rarely discuss the importance of days that have no significance for me personally. Afterall this day belongs to those, to those for it means something. The one day when a […]
Friday 20th February 2004
This brings back memories. Friday night, the one time I would get a chance to log onto my own PC. This was again during my time on placement. After a heavy week at work, I would finally get a chance to reflect, contemplate and resolve all the thoughts of the week. Eastenders would end at […]
Friday 13th February 2004
Home for the weekend. Left Leicester around 5.40pm, and got into Wycombe around 7.20pm which was quite good going, taking into account I was driving my sister’s M-Reg, Metro GTA. It is only a 1.1 injection, but still quite nippy. May go into London this Saturday to get some sightseeing done. Looking forward to the […]
Wednesday 11th February 2004
Another excitng week here in Leicester for my housemates and I, and it is far from over. Who knows what the next few days will bring? My Guestbook is not live! Sorry to report this. Finally after a good solid few weeks of work, behind the scenes, I am bringing a new feature to my […]
Sunday 8th February 2004
Finally got around to updating the MP3 Database on my Audio page, I am nearing the dizzy heights of 3000 mp3s. Adding almost 100 mp3s since November. My album collection has exploded to 184, from 166 in November. I am going to aim to update this listing every two months. There are two reasons for […]