Wednesday 12th November 2003

Middle of the week already, week 7 at University. The time is flying by and I am over half way through the first semester already. Where is the time going? There was a Graduate Fair at the Walkers Stadium today. In conjunction with both University Of Leicester and De Montfort University, around 20 employees were […]

Tuesday 4th November 2003

I was discussing the DMU television commercial with my housemates, and was informed that the University of Warwick has a very similar advert. However, a quick crawl around the web via Google has not provided me with any answers. However, I was able to find a great site which catalogues television commercials from Europe and […]

Sunday 2nd November 2003

I’ve been promising all visitors to my site, a revamp for months. I know it has taken me some time to forefill my promise, but I feel I’ve done myself justice. Although the site is not 100% complete, it is “work in progress” and I’ll continue to work on pages and upload new content, as […]

Thursday 23rd October 2003

It is rather a shame that I do not update my website more often. I have put myself in the position now, where I have very few excuses. Broadband connection at home, a home network, comprising of three computers. Oh yeah, there is the small question of my University degree. It would be good if […]