Today, I forefilled one of my dreams. For sure, a dream perhaps on the third or fourth tier but nevertheless a dream. I drove past the ‘office’ as featured in the opening credits of The Office. As I a big fan of the series, I have often wondered where the site of the external shots […]
Thursday 20th September 2007
My last award show experience was less than twelve months ago, on 15th November. Who would have thought I would be at another prestigious event, within the year. However on this occasion, my experience was out of this world. I had discussed it for a few months with my friend Rikki on MSN. However, now […]
Tuesday 18th September 2007
Was a man on a mission today, for a variety of reasons. My friend called me yesterday afternoon to explain, I would need to go to the Mobo office to collect our tickets. Not a problem, I had only planned to spend the day at home working on a few bits and pieces. I did […]
Friday 14th September 2007
What a difference a week makes! Last Friday I was really kicking myself and that mood hung over the weekend, like a long autumn shadow. Tonight, I feel a spring in my step and a smile on my face. The reasons why, I could not tell you, because even I do not know. I am […]
Saturday 11th August 2007
A weekend at home, something of a luxury for me. I had loads to do. So much in fact, that I made a quick list on Friday night of all the things I wanted to achieve on Saturday alone. Ten items in total but a range of simple to complex tasks. I got up early […]
Friday 13th July 2007
Throughout my quarter of century on this rock, I have gone through phases of wanting to get fit. In 2002, I joined Fitness First. (Don’t laugh, Chris!) It was rather a stupid thing really as I was still a student in Leicester and the gym was a 15 minute walk from my house. My master […]
Sunday 8th July 2007
A round-up post, to clear up a few things and mention briefly a few things that are on my mind. I will start with the concert, that I was attending just a week ago. Many people have been quite outspoken in their opinion that it was rubbish. I was horrified by some of the comments […]
Friday 22nd June 2007
Just the other night, before I fell asleep I was thinking that next year, it will have been a complete decade since I left school. Strange how time files and certain dates/years are significant in your life. I can remember my school days but those four years of secondary school feel like a universe away […]
Sunday 17th June 2007
It is nearly midnight as I begin writing this post. Got in from Sheffield eight minutes before 11pm. Quite a nice relaxing day, we left at 9.30am and got into the steel city around midday. We then had tea and cake at my sister’s student flat. My Dad, Uncle and youngest sister went into the […]
Sunday 13th May 2007
It was several years ago, perhaps even 1999. I cannot remember exactly but the moment I recall like it was yesterday. I was listening to Five Live and more specifically Matthew Bannister’s show as it was then (before Anita Anand took over). Nick Crosgrove come on for his business segment and mentioned a new technology […]