Thursday 20th September 2007

My last award show experience was less than twelve months ago, on 15th November. Who would have thought I would be at another prestigious event, within the year. However on this occasion, my experience was out of this world. I had discussed it for a few months with my friend Rikki on MSN. However, now […]

Tuesday 18th September 2007

Was a man on a mission today, for a variety of reasons. My friend called me yesterday afternoon to explain, I would need to go to the Mobo office to collect our tickets. Not a problem, I had only planned to spend the day at home working on a few bits and pieces. I did […]

Friday 14th September 2007

What a difference a week makes! Last Friday I was really kicking myself and that mood hung over the weekend, like a long autumn shadow. Tonight, I feel a spring in my step and a smile on my face. The reasons why, I could not tell you, because even I do not know. I am […]

Saturday 11th August 2007

A weekend at home, something of a luxury for me. I had loads to do. So much in fact, that I made a quick list on Friday night of all the things I wanted to achieve on Saturday alone. Ten items in total but a range of simple to complex tasks. I got up early […]

Friday 13th July 2007

Throughout my quarter of century on this rock, I have gone through phases of wanting to get fit. In 2002, I joined Fitness First. (Don’t laugh, Chris!) It was rather a stupid thing really as I was still a student in Leicester and the gym was a 15 minute walk from my house. My master […]

Sunday 8th July 2007

A round-up post, to clear up a few things and mention briefly a few things that are on my mind. I will start with the concert, that I was attending just a week ago. Many people have been quite outspoken in their opinion that it was rubbish. I was horrified by some of the comments […]

Friday 22nd June 2007

Just the other night, before I fell asleep I was thinking that next year, it will have been a complete decade since I left school. Strange how time files and certain dates/years are significant in your life. I can remember my school days but those four years of secondary school feel like a universe away […]

Sunday 13th May 2007

It was several years ago, perhaps even 1999. I cannot remember exactly but the moment I recall like it was yesterday. I was listening to Five Live and more specifically Matthew Bannister’s show as it was then (before Anita Anand took over). Nick Crosgrove come on for his business segment and mentioned a new technology […]