Crimes Against Auto Detailing
Casefile # 5234
“Your honour, on Saturday 15th September 2007, the accused defendant, Mr. Tegala purchased exhibit A wash pad from Asda, Holmers Farm Way, Cressex High Wycombe. He then proceeded to wash his vehicle, an 2004 Ebony A3 the following day with this offensive weapon. The result was perhaps the worse attempt to wash a car in the history of not just car valet but the production of the combustion engine. I can only come to the conclusion that Mr. Tegala is in need of urgent psychiatric examination. The prosecution calls for the jury to reach an unanimous verdict of guilty. Mr. Tegala should never be given access to a Karacher device (regardless of pressure outage) and we would even go as far as to call for a lifetime ban from washing any motorised vehicle. Further more, we would also call for the destruction of the wash pad to avoid such criminal acts in the future and full detailed investigation into the manufacturers Kent Car Care. Disposing in a fire would be high recommended.”