I made my first purchase via eBay, this evening. It was a ‘Buy Now’ product, so I did not bid in a live auction. However, overall I have been impressed with the quality of the service and instant response from the seller. Just have to wait for my goods to arrive now. A five to seven day wait, but well worth it. Particularly in terms of the money I have saved from buying the online, rather than from a retailer based in the UK.
When does a product or service become a part of the fabric of our social culture? I think it is when it is mentioned and used in the media as an adjective. Whenever you hear the word eBay mentioned in a soap, drama or documentary. You instantly know what is being referred to. The subsequent next step is for the product or service to be parody. When in comes to parody. There is one undisputed king. He has taken the most popular songs of the day and completed converted them for his own comical ends. It was in the early 90s that I was watching the fantastic Chart Show. Sponsored at the time by a famous confectionary bar. Much better than CD:UK, the kids of today do not know what they are missing! I saw what I thought was the beginning of Michael Jackson’s, “Bad” video. Only to be shocked to discovered that the artist had put on ten stone! Then I finally realised what was happening. This was Weird Al Yankovic at his best. Re-writing the lyrics of Bad, to create a humorous version telling the story of a guy slightly larger than life. On his most recent album, Poodle Hat, includes a fantastic song entitled ‘eBay’. I just hope that now I have begun my online auction experience, I do not get addicted to the dizzy heights of the guy described in the song. I have no need for a Dukes of Hazard Ash Tray.
Do you remember the television series Baywatch? Of course you do. Early 90s, Saturday afternoon around 5.30pm on ITV. Sweet memories indeed. A discussion with my housemates, bought up discussion on the California lifeguard series. The theme song was one of the most memorable parts of the show. Sung by Jimi Jamison, “I’ll Be Ready”, never released as a single became an international success on the back of the show. Fantastic song, shame only the first few seasons of the show were worth watching.
What else? Not much really, second exam on Monday morning. Eurovision Song Contest on tomorrow night. I must update my Uni website. Not sure exactly what I am going to use if for now. It may just become my personal recruitment site. Need to put up some more content. Job hunting is going well. Going to take it into fifth gear from next week, now that some valuable information has come through. I will of course keep you informed of my progress. Nothing else to report I am afraid. Disappointed that I received no comments regarding which type of suit and shoes I should purchase. 🙁