Saturday 5th October 2002

October already, time really is flying by uncontrollably. I must say, my week has flown by quite quickly and it hasn’t been too bad compared to other weeks. Achieved a substantial amount of tasks successfully which was rewarding. The BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show, now hosted by Scott Mills (for the this week and next) […]

Sunday 22nd September 2002

Photos page has been updated as promised. There are a few new photographs added, expect more in the coming few weeks. I have scanned several new images, but need to select, edit and then compress the best ones for the website. As you can appreciate this is a task that can take some hours to […]

Saturday 24th August 2002

So, the month slowly draws to a gradual close. At least we have a long bank holiday weekend to enjoy before September, and the heavy burden that month brings comes along. Don’t expect any further updates than today on the site, although depending on what happens on Monday. Finally, got my ADSL broadband connection live […]

Saturday 17th August 2002

I have spent today, going over my website with tooth comb. Every single page has been checked, twice, to ensure it meets the high standard I expect of my web pages. The images, throughout the site have never been optimized. This meant that has they were in their original format, and size, they took ages […]

Friday 16th August 2002

What a week! Personally, I am glad that it is over, but Monday morning will be staring us in the face before we blink. But I should not be putting a dampener on things! Its Friday! Its the weekend! ;o) So overall, the week flew by. There was various reasons for this. I was extremely […]