Gold Dust

I have been in the market for at tablet computer for some time but have been waiting for my perfect moment to invest. However the Gods were consipring against me just before Christmas, with every high street (and most online) retailers out of stock of the Nexus 7. It was going to take me a […]

Meesh, Teg & Tom

Perhaps it will become a tradition at Christmas, much like Her Majesty’s Speech to the United Kingdom and Commonwealth promptly at 3pm. Last year I went to see Tom Cruise, in the action blockbuster, Mission:Impossible – Ghost Protocol, with my Dad at IMAX Waterloo. (I am sure I have mentioned before but just to underline […]

Thirty One Not Out

It is that time of year once again. A few clues for the uninitiated. A big thank you for all the cards, messages and love. My colleagues were treated to a selection of Krispy Kreme doughnuts. (Six dozen with a variety of choice). The most popular person in the office on a Friday. Those who […]

Better Never Than Late

Earlier in the year, I applied for a England fan guide for Euro 2012. As it never arrived in time for the tournament and I never had any serious intentions to head over to Ukraine or Poland it was not a major loss. In fact, I had totally forgotten about the guide but somebody somewhere […]

Can You Handle A Mo, Bro

Two years ago, a colleague in the office was growing a moustache in November. This work mate, was not just your average work shy acquittance, whom you would simply forget, the moment you leave that employer, but a semi professional ice hockey player Shane Moore. I have always wanted to take part in the annual […]