The Heart Of Slow

One of the problems of no home internet access is that I now am unable to read the fantastic Diamond Geezer blog. Sure I could set up an RSS client on my mobile and pick up updates that way, but I actually enjoy reading the Blogger powerered blog live in full HTML glory. As I […]

I Spy

On Saturday afternnoon I had a few errands to run in town. This including joining the library, a ritual for me at any place I move to (although it will probably be a while before I borrow a book, or use the internet facilities) As I walked towards the entrance, I noticed a car parked […]

Action Required

I returned to the office to yet again find myself the victim of a prank from my dear colleague, Fred. On this occasion, he had decorated my working area with various empty folders. Even going to the trouble of leaving me a polite note. A great way to start the month of June. I am […]

Heroine Worship

I got back to my flat late on Monday evening (around 9:30pm) to find a letter in my postbox with a South East London postmark. I knew what is was already but waited until I got into my flat, sat down and switched on the television before opening. Those lovely people at Daybreak had sent […]

Pure Vandalisim

Do not fret my dear blog readers, I have already placed my A3 under 24 hour security surveillance. However, the lesson for the owner of this Peugeot 207 is simple. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! However I still believe it would be worthwhile getting a quote for spray paint removable from the […]

Read All About It

I returned to the office this morning after a few days off (two and a half days to be exact). With so much to catch up on, I thought little that my learned colleague would bother with a prank (although his previous track record would indicate the exact opposite) As I turned into my cubicle, […]