Sometimes events consume you to the point that you just have to let them complete their course. There is little that can be done to stop the juggernaut, you just have to grin and bear it. A case in point, is my job. On Tuesday 7th June, I was told by my colleague, Richard that […]
The Madness and Bayhem
It is probably impossible for me to give an unbiased view on the Transformers movie trilogy. I have been a fan of the original animated film from 1986, since it came out when I was a highly impressionable young boy of five. There is something just so appealing to the young mind of a car […]
An Offer You Cannot Refuse
Received a completely unexpected e-mail in my inbox this afternoon. An offer of a season ticket at my beloved Arsenal Football Club. This was a complete contradiction to my previous communications (from mid February 2008) that I would become eligible for a season ticket on 1st June 2054. I would love to take up the […]
Get Carter
Part Two of my blog post of Pavneet and Emily’s wedding, you can may want to read the first post on My Best Friend’s Wedding. I was woken up at around 9:30am, by housekeeping knocking on my hotel bedroom door. When I did not respond, I am sure I heard the cleaner come in, see […]
My Best Friend’s Wedding
A rather tired cliché title for what can only be described as a blog post I have much joy in posting onto the interweb. Are you sitting comfortably? I shall then begin. I met Pav at Henley College, way back in September 1998. He was in my A Level Business Studies classes and was regularly […]
The Heart Of Slow
One of the problems of no home internet access is that I now am unable to read the fantastic Diamond Geezer blog. Sure I could set up an RSS client on my mobile and pick up updates that way, but I actually enjoy reading the Blogger powerered blog live in full HTML glory. As I […]
I Spy
On Saturday afternnoon I had a few errands to run in town. This including joining the library, a ritual for me at any place I move to (although it will probably be a while before I borrow a book, or use the internet facilities) As I walked towards the entrance, I noticed a car parked […]
Action Required
I returned to the office to yet again find myself the victim of a prank from my dear colleague, Fred. On this occasion, he had decorated my working area with various empty folders. Even going to the trouble of leaving me a polite note. A great way to start the month of June. I am […]
Heroine Worship
I got back to my flat late on Monday evening (around 9:30pm) to find a letter in my postbox with a South East London postmark. I knew what is was already but waited until I got into my flat, sat down and switched on the television before opening. Those lovely people at Daybreak had sent […]
The Wolfpack On Tour
I never thought I would be getting married in the same year as so many of my friends and in particular my best friend Pav. Weddings can be a nightmare to organise, arrange and put together, particularly with so many people to please. However, there is always the stag do to look forward to. I […]