Who Goes There?
Before I get bogged down with writing up my India holiday blog posts, I thought it would good and refreshing to give a quick catch up post on everything I have been up to since I returned from the subcontinent. My Dad recommended I did not go straight to sleep when I got back to […]
To Infinity & Beyond…
Michelle had mentioned that she had purchased a token gift the weekend before last. I thought little of it, until she told me to close my eyes and handed me what sounded like a rather large bag. (The thick paper made a great deal of noise). I opened to my eyes to be confronted with […]
East Lundon
Made In England
I’m back, I landed at Heathrow at 10:40am this morning, nearly an hour before I was scheduled to on my Air India Flight 187 from Amritsar. I had an amazing two weeks (twelve days) but am glad to be back home. The feeling I had when I made my way out of the plane (rushing […]
Perhaps My Palace In The Sky
This might surprise you, but this was my first trip on an Air India flight. Previously we have always flown British Airways and on one occasion United Airlines. Then again, we have always flown to New Delhi. This was not just a change of airline but a change of destination. Direct to the Punjab and […]
Back To The Motherland
As you read this post, I will hopefully be taking off on an Air India flight for a two week holiday back to India. It has probably been the worst kept secret of all time in our household. My Mum and youngest sister Julie, did not know that I was actually going until I pulled […]
Breaking The News
I was getting rather anxious waiting for my sisters to arrive to pick me up. It was nearly 9:34am on Sunday 11th July. I should have left for Heathrow Terminal 3 by now. My Mum and sister Julie were already there with my Dad and probably wondering why they had not checked in just yet. […]
Shameless Self Marketing
Does this cartoon remind you of anyone? Check out a fresh chicken (plus many friends) every weekday over at Savage Chickens.
Let It Burn…
I was bored one evening, one weekend a few weeks back and I happened to stumble upon my dear friend Hussein’s now abandonded web log. He is perhaps one of those people, whom I wish had never stopped blogging because he always has a project on the go, an amazing jaw dropping adventure on the […]