The Eco Warrior

I arrived to find a note blu-tacked to my computer monitor. I dual screen in the office, using my laptop screen for admin and my 24″ HP screen (or visual display or monitor) to view spreadsheets. It is a mighty beast, set to the maximum resolution and enables me to view columns A to AD! […]

Who Goes There?

Before I get bogged down with writing up my India holiday blog posts, I thought it would good and refreshing to give a quick catch up post on everything I have been up to since I returned from the subcontinent. My Dad recommended I did not go straight to sleep when I got back to […]

Triple Booked

It is the realisation of my popularity, to discover that next weekend I am in fact triple booked. Originally it was just my friend Bhavna’s wedding in Leicester. (I say “just” but I am sure she does not see it as just another weekend!) However, in recent months (just before I went off on holiday) […]

Made In England

I’m back, I landed at Heathrow at 10:40am this morning, nearly an hour before I was scheduled to on my Air India Flight 187 from Amritsar. I had an amazing two weeks (twelve days) but am glad to be back home. The feeling I had when I made my way out of the plane (rushing […]