Friday 29th May 2009

Been a crazy week, a very busy week but somehow we got to the end. Perhaps because there were only four working days and I had so much to do (that by the end of the week, I was actually running out of things to do). So much to cover but as my previous blog […]

Friday 8th May 2009

My weekend officially started around 4.20pm this afternoon when I was sitting in my local barbers, getting my haircut and Africa by Toto came on the radio. Not exactly the banging club track I would have liked to listen to but remember this is Newbury, in deepest West Berkshire and having a radio on at […]

Friday 10th April 2009

Those of you lucky enough not to be working today, I am sure you will agree that today feels like a Saturday. It does for me and I have just got back from town, had quite a few little jobs to get done before getting back home around 1pm for some food. Let me first […]

Sunday 29th March 2009

My weekend began at precisely 18:55 on Friday evening. I had started to watch the Knock You Down video on XBMC. It had been a long tiring day in the office and on top of that I had gone for a 4.2 mile run at 5pm with my colleague James. I am slowly getting faster, […]

Friday 20th February 2009

It has just gone past 10pm, on Tuesday evening as I begin writing this episode. Been quite a busy week already and I am glad the weekend is in touching distance. I did not watch the Brit Awards (as I do every year) as I was watching this week’s episode of Heroes. Long story but […]

Sunday 8th February 2009

It was the week when Britain came to a standstill due to a little snow flurry. I suppose on the international stage we lived up to our obbessive nature towards the weather. For me there was no escape, I had to go to work, as I live a short ten minute walk away and apart […]

Sunday 18th January 2009

I am back! Yes, returned home (well to my parents in Wycombe) just after midnight in the early hours of this morning. Completely shattered, I should have gone straight to sleep after some food. But you know me, I had to go online for a few hours and finally went to sleep around 3am! So […]

Friday 9th January 2009

Sometimes even I find it hard to believe that everything happens for a reason. Not only this but trivial items are placed in your path for you to notice. If are reading this anytime on Saturday morning (a decent time of day after you have had a lie in) then the countdown will be over. […]