Sunday 7th June 2009

Five to six on a lazy early summer afternoon as we slowly slip into that period when we actually come to realise that the evening is here and there is work tomorrow. However, I am not going to fuel that fire, instead, I am going to let you know how my weekend has been and […]

Friday 29th May 2009

Been a crazy week, a very busy week but somehow we got to the end. Perhaps because there were only four working days and I had so much to do (that by the end of the week, I was actually running out of things to do). So much to cover but as my previous blog […]

Monday 25th May 2009

It is 16:25 as I begin writing, I mean typing this post. The Spring Bank Holiday Weekend is slowly drawing to a close! I have quite a few things to mention and for a change do not have any blog notes prepared to jog my memory. Overall a very good weekend, got a few jobs […]

Friday 22nd May 2009

It is sixteen minutes into Saturday when I begin writing this blog post and I have quite a lot to mention but if I am honest, I cannot put my finger exactly on ‘what’ that ‘lot’ is! Funny that you go through the week, making observations and having episodes which you feel I should include […]

Wednesday 20th May 2009

It is a major challenge to blog about the weekend when it feels such a distant memory. Here I am midweek, trying to frame together events from several days ago into words that people will understand. Friday night I had planned to watch a movie but in the end, spent too much time chatting to […]