Do you ever wake up on a random Friday and your life up to that point feels as if it all has been a mere dazy, almost insignificant dream. As if that particular morning is the first day of the rest of your life. Many people aspire to live their lives with this mentality. For […]
Going Against Type
The second half of Suits season seven resumed last week and in the episode screened Stateside on Wednesday 4th April, we had more of the what makes the legal drama compulsive viewing. Now, this is my fifth post on the USA network smash hit show and before people accusing me of jumping on the bandwagon […]
Somewhat Fickle Friends
There is the almost indescribable satisfaction of proving people wrong. In my own case, I believe people tend to have built up a perception of me which is far removed from reality. A prime example – my taste in music. People are shocked to discover that I actually like Punk Rock. Then again, I doubt […]
Grocery Surcharges
Technology has made our lives easier in every way possible but even in 2018 there are parts of lives that still need to catch up. While I am at times an early adopter of many platforms/gadgets/processes there are some things I still prefer to keep old school. For example, I still enjoy reading a book […]
Sixty Days
An absence of one thousand, four hundred and forty hours during which I have not posted an entry. The start of a new year but until this evening, no new ramblings from yours truly. There are multiple reasons why but none worth releasing out into the public domain. As usual, after the Christmas break, we […]
Flying Solo
Nine days – a great deal can happen in almost two working weeks. In this case, I am referring to the time between the official UK release of the latest Star Wars film and the date I eventually caught up on the epic sci-fi space opera. Pav had wanted to catch the film over the […]
No Broadband, No Problem
People regularly ask me why I have a NAS (affectionately known as Dagobah) with a treasure trove of media. My response always begins, “What if the internet went down?” They expect me to be part of the Streaming Generation with the always-on high-speed internet connection. Now of course I am, I have Spotify and Netflix […]
Overtaken by Royalty
Your average Monday evening. It was gone 7pm as I left the office and headed towards Datchet. It is at this time in the evening when I have to make a decision. Do I take the M4, which is relatively speaking an easier journey (but slightly longer at 22 miles) or do I take my […]
The Road To Justice
As I drove back from Reading town centre this Saturday lunchtime, I happened to find myself behind a grey Jeep Renegade. Nothing out of the ordinary there, but on the rear nearside boot they had a logo. It was a sign. A sign from the Gods. I had booked tickets to see Justice League with […]
Rediscovering the King
So I did it people. I created not just my first but my second Playlist on Spotify. After a little fiddling around I created Drive Home with my favourite songs for the road. However, the majority were a mishmash of contemporary songs that I had been listening to recently. The true commute home soundtrack would […]