Saturday 29th October 2005

Site went down during the early hours of Monday morning, but I did not discover the fact that my site was down until late on Monday evening. Exceeded my monthly bandwidth allowance (again) after only the other week, giving myself a top up of 200mb for the cost of £7. This time around, I decided […]

Friday 21st October 2005

It felt like any other Friday, in any other week from the past ten months or so. Yet, there was a strange feeling hanging in the air. It started around 11.30am, inadvertent I had left my mobile on. Something I religiously avoid, but it was ringing and I did not want to answer, particularly as […]

Friday 14th October 2005

Those outside the blogging community may find the idea of keeping an online journal, for the whole world to see, rather bizarre. It takes me time to put myself back into that mind set. Sometimes, I feel it is completely pointless. Yet, it takes only a quick browse of the archives and particularly my work […]

Sunday 9th October 2005

While perhaps my music tastes may not be to everyone’s liking, I do have a great passion for cover singles. My views are quite clear cut. If you really must you need to follow some simple rules. Under no circumstances, simply ‘re-produce’ the song. Revisit the song (as a friend recently put it to me) […]

Wednesday 28th September 2005

You know me, by now. I liked to keep everything standard. My MSN screen name, like much of my life is kept simple and straightforward. When at home, I am ‘Teg’. During office hours, while I am at work, my screen name is ‘Andrew’. This may seen bland and boring, as now you can change […]

Sunday 25th September 2005

Generally speaking, my weekends are below average and tedious. Yet, every once in a while, I have a big weekend (usually around once a month) when several events fall on to the same weekend schedule. Next weekend is a case in point. Originally, it was just another dull weekend, until Terry (of Gooner’s World fame!) […]