Another weekend, slowly bites the dust… however, again my mood changes from being quite melancholy on Friday evening, to a jubilance on Sunday evening, with the long week ahead staring back at me… Had to go into work this morning to carry out some jobs, which could only be done, with a certain ‘lack’ of […]
Friday 4th April 2003
I start writing my weekly updates, late on a Friday evening. As there is only an hour of the day (or date rather) left, I usually don’t bother using the ‘official’ date heading. However, today, is different and so is my update. What a week! A week, which I had anticipated to pan out very […]
Sunday 30th March 2003
Another great weekend! Getting loads done, and sorted out, shame the weather hasn’t been has good as last weekend, and earlier in the week. However, this doesn’t stop us from having a good time… It’s a shame that the ‘cowboys’ out there, are never able to admit that they are providing such poor quality […]
Thursday 27th March 2003
There are moments in your life that you never forget. There are also moments when magical things happen, with no logical explanation and remain with you forever. One such moment occurs regularly in my life. Let me take you back to the beginning of the year. It was the evening of Monday 26th January. I […]
Wednesday 26th March 2003
Just wanted to wish my younger sister, Samantha a happy 20th birthday for tomorrow. I thought I would give you an insight into some of the songs, I have been listening to during the course of the last few weeks. Last week, I was in rock/pop mode, and was listening to 80s classics, “Crash” by […]
Sunday 23rd March 2003
The lesson of this weekend and previous week? There are only certain ways of answering your critics…. Working hard and playing hard too! Another great weekend – this is turning into an enjoyable habit! My friend from Uni, Darren came over to Wycombe on Saturday. He is currently also on an Industrial Placement with Viglen, […]
Sunday 16th March 2003
Another great weekend! Sunny weather, and getting stuff done, which always feels good! Was in PhoneLand in High Wycombe, with Radio One playing in the background. An intro filled the shop, all to familiar, but when the song kicked in, the vocalist that greeted my ear was Beyoncé Knowles and not 50 Cent. Indeed, […]
Thursday 13th March 2003
Two updates in a working week? You must thing this is some miracle! Well, I’ve got a very busy weekend plan (so you ask, what’s new?) I wanted to share something with the world too! Driving home this evening, there was a very different flavour in the air! As I drove across from Bedfordshire into […]
Wednesday 12th March 2003
A rare, mid-week update! Just got back from Leicester. I had my Final Year Options Module Day. Quite a busy day, with loads to do and loads to take in. Still quite undecided on the final choices I will make. Going to seek some advice from some of my colleagues at Pericom and FWBS! Just […]
Saturday 8th March 2003
What a weekend! This is turning into what I can only describe as the “perfect” weekend! What a FA Cup game! One of the best football matches I have seen for ages! Arsenal showed what true champions are made of! Going down to a goal, conceded early, the Gooners were able to raise our game […]