Monday 1st August 2005

Those of you who attempted to visit my web site over the weekend, will have notice it was down. Appears that my prestigious host, Portland have either gone on holiday or gone bust! Even their site is down and no one is responding to e-mails. Therefore, this evening, my dearest friend Sippy came to the […]

Saturday 30th July 2005

I woke up, coming to my senses, realising that it was Friday. My favourite day of the week. Yet, this morning instead of jumping out of bed with a spring in my step, I crawled to the edge, and squinted to make out the time on my stereo. then it finally it me, I had […]

Tuesday 26th July 2005

With Monday out the way, we get down to the bread and butter of the week. Two of my best online friends are actually friends in real life I met at University. So, in no particular order, let us take Nav. Naveen, is a would be blogger, but I hope his efforts in the future […]

Monday 25th July 2005

I left work slightly later than normal, but remembered, I needed to hunt around for a song on CD. I knew for sure that it was one of the discs in my Case Logic case. Having spent last weekend labeling all my unlabelled discs, it was slightly (just) easier to track the song down. I […]

Sunday 17th July 2005

Nothing major planned this weekend, apart from a small gathering for my first cousin’s first birthday. Nothing major, but a special moment for a new family. So that was Saturday, but in the evening I decided to sit down and watch a movie on Sky. This was the first time in months that I had […]

Tuesday 12th July 2005

I got home late this evening, late by my standards, as I only live seven miles away from the office. The journey home should take me around twenty minutes. Although yesterday I got close to beating my own record of fifteen minutes. My foot was on the accelerator all the way until I reached the […]