So, the Easter weekend is over! Back to work tomorrow, back to reality with a bump! Did you do any of the following? When is the next Bank Holiday? I had been planning this for several weeks, but finally on Friday night, got around to creating my own FlickR account. It was all prompted by […]
Saturday 26th March 2005
What do you do on your days off? I ask, because I was having this discussion with a customer on the phone, who had taken the day off to deal with all the problems with her computer. In the course of the conversation, I admitted that my days off are preplanned with so many things […]
Friday 25th March 2005
So, here we are, yet another Easter. With the holiday break upon us, and four days away from work, instead of the customary two, I thought it important to consider how quickly the year is passing already. Christmas, feels only a few weeks away, but it is in fact exactly three months ago. Why is […]
Tuesday 22nd March 2005
Firstly, I would like to apologise for my site being unavailable for the past twenty hours. This is purely down to the incompetent idiots, called Portland. I will come to them, shortly. For now, let me begin at the beginning. While working late, the office falls into an eerie silence, with only the noise of […]
Sunday 20th March 2005
I began writing this post, mainly to give an update on last night’s posting. Then, my Dad called me to let me know the news, I was stunned by what I was told. John Z. DeLorean had passed away, at the age of 80. Quickly, I went into the living room and channel hopped across […]
Saturday 19th March 2005
Seven days have passed since my last posting, but you don’t need to have a Mathematics degree to work that out. To say I have been busy, would be an under statement. There just has been so much going on, with the office move and technical hiccups with gremlins in the phone system. Although I […]
Saturday 12th March 2005
Saturday 12th March 2005 Those who know me well, and even those who have only recently got in touch should agree that of all the words that can be used to describe me, optimistic is for sure high on the list. Not sure where this positive attitude came from, because I have in the same […]
Tuesday 8th March 2005
How long before the Doctor returns? If I am honest with you, I was never a big of the series, but did watch Sylvester McCoy play the Time Lord. That was my era, the late 1980s, with myself at the perfect age, just starting school to find the science fiction series fascinating. Sure, looking back […]
Sunday 6th March 2005
It is a proud moment, when any individual decides to start a blog. Particularly when initially they were uncomfortable with the idea of sharing their views, even perhaps life story (or should that be history) on the web. Even seasoned veterans such as Sippy had reservations during his break over the past two years. I […]
Friday 4th March 2005
Friday comes around again, and I feel that special feeling, driving off into the cold night, leaving work, the chaos far behind me, until Monday morning at least. Not sure, where this urge to celebrate the minor passing of yet another working week. Afterall, five days in an office, is hardly an achievement, compared to […]