Rediscovering the King

So I did it people. I created not just my first but my second Playlist on Spotify. After a little fiddling around I created Drive Home with my favourite songs for the road. However, the majority were a mishmash of contemporary songs that I had been listening to recently. The true commute home soundtrack would always require some tweaking. I will come back to this for sure. Part of the beauty of playlists is the ability to constantly change the songs to fit your mood or the genre or that moment in time in your life.

What prompted me? I was in Reading town centre on Saturday early evening and happened to walk into HMV and Unbreakable was playing. Probably my third favourite track on Invincible album but a thumping ego track nonetheless

It may surprise you that I had no songs by the King of Pop saved in Spotify. I spent this weekend correcting that criminal oversight. It was time to create my second playlist – Ulitmate MJ. All of his material is on the streaming service, so the difficulty is picking my favourite songs. Generally, in life, I tend to pick the upbeat songs. Michael Jackson has the unique ability to guarantee to improve my mood the moment I put on any of his back catalogue. Decisions, decisions decisions. On a walk into Bracknell town early on Sunday morning I listened to Hold My Hand. Now I have listened to and watched the original music video when MJ was still with us. The version on Michael, released posthumously has been polished and taken to another level. Would the big man approve? I am not so sure, but it does have sentimental similarities to Speechless. I adore the stripped down almost acoustic closing.

On Sunday afternoon, I took the opportunity while ironing to re-watch for perhaps the greatest concert movie that never was. This also gave me the opportunity to bookmark the key songs through the film, to enable simple viewing of Beat It (among others) in the future.

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