I have spent today, going over my website with tooth comb. Every single page has been checked, twice, to ensure it meets the high standard I expect of my web pages. The images, throughout the site have never been optimized. This meant that has they were in their original format, and size, they took ages to download. Even on the average 56kbps connection, this can cause a major time delay. Therefore, I have reduced all the images on this site from 8mb, to just over 1.5mb. You will notice that the images on my photograph page download extremely faster now. Apart from that, there have not been any significant changes to the site. Updates to the mirror site, will take place, later in the week.
Looking forward to the starting of the season, in a few hours time. Should be great. Fantastic!
Will try and make another update, tomorrow but still working on that. Please e-mail me with your comments and suggestions. I reply to every e-mail I receive and love hearing from you all.